The FAST Framework
It's Focused, Adaptable and Structured Teaching!
Unlike other instructional models offered elsewhere, the FAST framework allows teachers to efficiently plan lessons while still ensuring that the lesson is based on powerful brain research. With timely adaptations aimed to elevate the rigor of lessons, teachers will feel ready to begin instructing the Common Core in their classrooms.
Thoughts on the FAST Framework
Learn how TESS works alongside schools to increase student achievement with concise systems, purposeful habits and articulated goals for student success.
Educators are wondering how direct instruction fits in to the Common Core. This brief video illustrates not only how but when teachers will use the FAST lesson framework.
Afraid You're Killing the Joy of Reading?
On Slate.com, a teacher-blogger describes how educators can unkowingly be killing the joy of reading for their students. Sounds terrifying, right? Fortunately TESS has developed a Close Reading Framework to support teachers in not only using good strategies, but in promoting the love of reading.
October 2, 2014
Teacher Training:
A new study, featured in Education Week Magazine, on professional develoment for the Common Core shows that while far more teachers are attending trainings, educators are giving those sessions low marks for quality.
August 14, 2014
Demystifying Close Reading
Nancy Boyles, a graduate reading program coordinator and author, makes the case that Close Reading should begin in the primary grades if we are to expect students to leave high school ready for college and career. With helpful guidance on planning for Close Reading, this article provides clarity on what it is, and what it isn't.
December 2012
Academic Discourse and Student Engagement
This blog post on Edutopia.org describes how the student engagement in a math classroom is elevated when students are explicitly taught the ins and outs of collaborative conversations.
April 13, 2014